In recent years I have met myself more deeply through self-awareness and conscious mindful encounters with other people. For this I needed a secure framework, which I found in a protected course and training environment. At first it meant taking care of myself when I got in touch with others. Recognizing my needs and defining myself where it seemed necessary was a bit of a challenge.
This included a large portion of self-forgiveness and the willingness to step into the unknown with a little courage, which always happens when we want to abandon old behavior patterns. Getting out of dramatic communication was another step. It is wonderful to experience simply pausing, taking a deep breath and tracing the origins of a feeling.
I learned this in the culmination of my training, the Lomi-Lomi-Nui and other Hawaiian massages. The Huna (Hawaiian shamanism) overriding the Lomi taught me to be in the here and now, to focus my full attention on the good goal and to take time for my clients and of course for myself. My rhythm of life is calmer than it used to be, when I am often rushed from one appointment to the next and I live healthier and happier.
That also had a very positive effect on my coaching. After 15 years of training and professional practice, beautiful, sometimes magical encounters with wonderful people, I say a big yes to myself today. For me, this is a first prerequisite for advising or massaging other people.
I invite you to pause and investigate with me, to consider your issues. I am at your side if you want to face challenges.
Yoga und Wellness
in Pretzsch
Bad Schmiedebergerstr.25
06909 Bad Schmiedeberg
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